Aurora - "Murder Song"
Aurora has such a beautiful enchanting voice. Pair that with dark lyrics and you get an innocent yet haunting performance. I love watching her get lost in the music. She's truly something special. Every song of her evokes such emotion. She sounds like a child's nightmare. I'm so glad I discovered her.

He holds the gun against my head. I close my eyes and bang I am dead. I know he knows that he’s killing me for mercy.

Shamir - "On the Regular"
You've probably heard Shamir being used in commercials. I have no shame in dancing to it while Android watches flash on the screen. I love this song. It's so happy and I just want to dance every time I hear that cowbell. I do love all of the upbeat singles on their album "Rachet" this one is flat out addicting. Not to mention Shamir being vocal about being non-binary. I'm so here for all of it. 

You could get five fingers and I'm not waving hi. Guess I'm never-ending, you could call me pi, but really, how long till the world realize?

Colour Revolt - "Moses of the South"
I love everything about this song. It is my favourite from Colour Revolt and I never get sick of it. Something about it is soothing but it remains almost chaotic in my mind. There's nothing about this song I don't love. It was hard for me to choose lyrics to highlight from it because I love every single verse.

Brother you are my weakness. I'll listen and learn from your kindness. Your wisdom is very thoughtless but your window is worth looking out from.

Bauhaus - "Bela Lugosi's Dead"
I grew up listening to some rather eclectic music. Bauhaus, Ministry and Einstürzende Neubauten have been favourites of mine since I was a child, so hearing this song on American Horror Story: Hotel made me nostalgic. Even now it makes me long to be a Goth club kid, which was actually my childhood dream. Part of that dream still lives as I lay in bed staring at my framed picture of Bela Lugosi (among other famous monsters) and listening to this dark and dreamy song. I know Halloween is over, but every day is Halloween when you look like me.

The virginal brides file past his tomb, strewn with time's dead flowers. Bereft in deathly bloom. Alone in a darkened room.

Kurt Vile - Pretty Pimpin' 
This is one of those feel good, easy going tracks. It's catchy as all hell and gets suck in your head with ease. That may be why it stuck out to me this month, I couldn't get it out of my head. Every time I looked in the mirror I would recall the lyrics and need to listen to it again. 

I woke up this morning, didn't recognize the man in the mirror then I laughed and I said, oh silly me, that's just me then I proceeded to brush some stranger's teeth but they were my teeth.